Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para bear up en español


bear up verb

unfavorite favorite

Ejemplos de uso de
bear up verb

  • repeatedly borne up in times of adversity by his faith

bear verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bore, has borne, is bearing, bears
soportar, resistir, aguantar; llevar, portar; dar a luz a (un niño); dar (frutas, cosechas); doblar, dar la vuelta
word of the day image
The woman can't bear the girls' noisy playing any longer.

Ejemplos de uso de
bear verb

  • The company agreed to bear the costs.
  • The criminals must bear full responsibility for the deaths of these innocent people.
  • Who will bear the blame for this tragedy?
  • I can't bear cold weather.
  • a symphony that can bear comparison with Beethoven's best
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hold on
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Traducción inversa para bear up

resistir  - to resist, to stand, to bear, to tolerate, to withstand